Spurningar Ara
Amríska vefritið Slate er stundum skemmtilegt. Þeir eru með fastan lið sem heitir The Explainer sem leitast við að svara innsendum spurningum um allt milli himins og jarðar. Svipuð hugmynd og Vísindavefurinn, bara ekki bundinn við vísindalegar spurningar. Oftast er þetta fréttatengt og stundum bara nokkuð fróðlegt.
Árlega safnar Útskýrandinn svo saman lista yfir nokkrar spurningar sem hann ekki treysti sér í af ýmsum ástæðum. Lesendur velja eina þeirra og henni er síðan svarað.
En listinn er kostulegur. 2009-útgáfan er hér. 2008 var jafnvel betra, sem og 2007, og 2006.
Nokkur uppáhalds:
• Why did Zidane head-butt his opponent in the World Cup final? Do the French not fight with their fists?
• Burma's dictator has a chestful of bullshit medals. What's up with that, Explainer?
• Is it "open sees me" or "open says me"?
• How often are presidents born, and how often do they die? Do they die in bunches, or on average every four years?
• Are UFOs confirmed to be from other Alien Planets?
• Why do humans die so young? In biblical times, people lived for several hundred years; now living to 100 is considered a long life. What happened?
• Can you tell me how long it will take if you eat rat poison to see if it is going to affect you? Please e-mail me back. Because my niece ate some.
Góða helgi.
Árlega safnar Útskýrandinn svo saman lista yfir nokkrar spurningar sem hann ekki treysti sér í af ýmsum ástæðum. Lesendur velja eina þeirra og henni er síðan svarað.
En listinn er kostulegur. 2009-útgáfan er hér. 2008 var jafnvel betra, sem og 2007, og 2006.
Nokkur uppáhalds:
• Why did Zidane head-butt his opponent in the World Cup final? Do the French not fight with their fists?
• Burma's dictator has a chestful of bullshit medals. What's up with that, Explainer?
• Is it "open sees me" or "open says me"?
• How often are presidents born, and how often do they die? Do they die in bunches, or on average every four years?
• Are UFOs confirmed to be from other Alien Planets?
• Why do humans die so young? In biblical times, people lived for several hundred years; now living to 100 is considered a long life. What happened?
• Can you tell me how long it will take if you eat rat poison to see if it is going to affect you? Please e-mail me back. Because my niece ate some.
Góða helgi.
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